Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
This was a good movie. The special effects get better and better and the acting, well….the special effects get better and better. The lava planet was pretty cool but I’m thinking these Jedi are sure able to handle heat. It reminds me of that saying “if you can’t stand the kitchen, then get the heck out” or something like that.
In my review of Episode II, I stated that Mark Hammil and Carrie Fischer would need some serious makeup to look younger. Boy did Lucas come through. They looked like babies! And boy does Alec Guinness (Stout) look young.
Anny (Get Your Light Saber) Skywalker is still a whiney needy mess. His love for his wife is admirable until he starts hacking people up in hopes of keeping her alive. Padme is as beautiful as ever especially when dead since we don’t have to listen to the remarkably boring love dialogue between her and Skywalker.
Yoda gets smacked around a little by the Emperor but surprisingly has no bumps, bruises, or abrasions to show for it. I can’t say the same for the Emperor. After a run in with Mace Window, he looks like he needs some serious ointment for his face.
Spoiler Warning: Spock dies!
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